My Dear Fellow Gambia-lers,

Considering the present changing security environment in our beautiful
country, The Gambia, which is persistently breeding lawlessness and the
implementation of a well-planned and orchestrated tribal agenda and strategy
under the leader of President Jammeh, and coupled with mismanagement,
corruption and total disregard for human life, it is therefore, incumbent
upon us all to consider and table for discussion a far long shot and only
option available to us to rescue our country from total disintegration. This
may sound ridiculous and premature at this point, but this is a CASE STUDY
that, at this point in our history after experiencing horrible circumstances
and horrendous crimes against humanity, warrants a thorough and explicit
consideration and debate as to what necessary steps we must take as a nation
in order to restore peace, tranquility and human decency to our beloved
country. It is a Case Study because this is right moment when we must
redouble efforts to avoid the Sierra Leone-Liberia type situation before it
is too late. I did not easily choose this final option. I am positively
aware that making such arguments for others to weigh in  is not an easy
undertaking. There must be genuine and firm arguments advanced to support
such a bold position; this is a contention for foreign intervention which
would set precedence and create far-reaching political and cultural
consequences for our country; and as a result, the chief purpose of
restoring peace and tranquility could be thwarted.

But after closely following developments at home for the past 6 years, I
could see no progress, except worsening situations and total disregard for
human life. This frightening trend at home has convinced me to believe that
the sole option before us, though not a decent option is, for us as Gambians
in our relentless efforts to restore Democracy at home, to consider REGIONAL
INTERVENTION, though deep in my hearth, I am yawning for the emergence of a
National solution. To further strengthened my Case Study, I have considered
the various tangible options available to us in taking charge of situations
at home. To my own opinion, we have only THREE tangible options available: A
National Level Option, Regional Level Option and International Level Option.
Each of these levels does have series of sub-levels and sub-sub-levels which
must be thoroughly exhausted first before considering any other level of
option. In advancing my arguments for the necessity to consider the second
major option available to us to remove President Jammeh from Office,
Regional Intervention, I have first of all chosen to lament on the
components of National level option and how each component could greatly
impact our relentless efforts to restore Democracy at home. I came to the
conclusion that these components of national level option may not even come
close to accomplishing our mission of restoring Democracy at home, leaving
us scrambling for quick fixes which may be too little and too late.

A National Level option to remove President Jammeh from Office are four
fold: Through ballot box, Seasoned Journalism, Persistent Mass
Demonstrations by all Concerned Citizens(including men, women and children)
and the intervention of the Judiciary and the Legislature. Mass
demonstrations organized by GAMSU ended up with the massacre of our innocent
children, and despite outcries and international condemnations, President
Jammeh is still standing, though seriously wounded. Demonstrations by
children alone was not enough, groups of men and women should have joined
the beloved and hopeful children to strengthen and support the children's
course, but that was not done. Instead, about 18 students' lives was the
price paid.

Similarly, seasoned or professional journalism which often plays tremendous
role in influencing political climate in a country, or in some countries
could even determine what kind of policies a particular government adopts,
is seriously lacking in our country. With the three main Newspapers we have
in the country, only THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER and THE POINT measured to
that level of season journalism, effective enough to influence political
climate in The Gambia; and even these two seasoned Newspapers have been
experiencing endless threats and intimidation in order to discourage them
from doing the very good job there are doing for the country. The OBSERVER
on the other hand, only hovers the edges of journalism. For the Observer to
earn the title of seasoned journalism, it must vacuum deeper into
journalism. I do not even mention FOROYAA in this category because Foroyaa
has lost it completely. They are still navigating the galaxies locating the
Moon and Sun. When other local newspapers are lamenting facts about
prevailing precarious situations in the country, Foroyaa would be busy
practicing a Deviationist or Deception tactics instead of pinpointing facts
to educate the public. To put some light to this, taking into account the
student massacre and the UPD ambush as an example, Foroyaa failed to take a
stand, instead, it kept writing about dual Citizenship; and frankly,
Gambia-Lers are sick and tired of reading that dry stuff. Foroyaa failed its
basic test of independence. Now, only GAMBIA-LERS are throwing the LENOX
LEWIS- MIKE TYSON punches, hoping to knock-out the dictator. Therefore,
without  seasoned or professional journalism, which reaches the level of
those in the Western Countries in a free and fair atmosphere, there is of
course very slim chance that the dictator will be easily forced out of
office with the help of seasoned journalism.

At national level, we are now only left with two main remaining components:
THE JUDICIARY & THE LEGISLATURE. The judiciary and Legislature could also
step in to stop the dictator's unlawful decrees that causes havoc and
unhumane acts, but some of those law makers and judges were the very people
who had helped the dictator enacted and effectively executed those unlawful
decrees. Now that those decrees have come back to hunt them, they are now
struggling to undo some of them; but the reality is, undoing those unlawful
decrees entirely is now proving to be more that a mammoth task or utterly
impossible. Again, other major national level option components are
dysfunctional.  The last resort: The ballot box, which we are all hoping
would bring about the badly needed peace, tranquility and harmony we all
dearly missed for 6 years under the dictator, also seem to be a long shot,
if not impossible as current trend have clearly illustrated. Present
situations surrounding next year's elections is very troubling. Jammeh is
very determined to remain in power at all cost; even if he looses in a free
and fair elections. The stunning question is, will he accept the defeat and
step down? Knowing that he is wanted by Human Rights Courts to answer for
all those evil deeds under his watch, the only choice for Jammeh is an
unpleasant and risky one, that is, to remain in power at all cost till he
dies; because if he steps down, where ever he may be, he will one day face
the Courts to answer all charges against him. To my humble opinion, I do not
think President Jammeh will be willing to step down, knowing that he must
face the Courts.

Now that we exhausted all options at national level, should we now move on
to the second option, Regional Level option: SHOULD SENEGAL AND NIGERIA
BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY? After thoroughly exhausting and analysing the national
level option when even a FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS could seem to be more than
just a name, I have therefore held the view that we would have no other
pleasant choice on our hands, but to seriously consider inviting our
neighbors and friends to come and give us a helping hand. These neighbors
and friends are SENEGAL and NIGERIA. The third one may be our close
neighbor, GUINEA BISSAU. But taking into account the solid relationship and
friendship President Jammeh has developed with the President of Guinea
Bissau, it is absolutely impossible for Guinea Bissau to contribute troops
to eject the dictator. To be friends people must have interest in common,
and Banjul and Bissau have interests in common. So that is a no-no. It would
then have to be Senegal and Nigeria could be asked to help. We all must bear
in mind that there will be a price to be paid if these too countries have
decided to do the job, there is no priceless undertaking. Several motives
could be advanced for choosing the Regional level option.  Senegal should be
the main contributor to the this efforts. Virtually, every reason could be
advanced that would warrant Senegal's intervention as she did in 1981.

First, geographically, The Gambia and Senegal are like a TONGUE in a MOUTH,
as indicated on the map. The Gambia being the Tongue and Senegal being the
Mouth. Without the Tongue, the mouth could barely function, and vice verse.
This shows that we have a lot in common in terms of geography, history,
economics, cultural, military and political situations. The instability of
the Gambia would mean economic disaster in Senegal, since major Senegalese
businesses badly need to transport there goods and services through Gambia's
crossing points to have access to its Cassamance region; and without
stability and openness in The Gambia, that task would be utterly difficult,
thereby negatively impinging on economic advancement and growth in Senegal.
And all vivid evidences, past and present, have indicated that President
Jammeh and his Bissau dear friend seem to thwart that efforts by fueling the
Cassamance insurgency. This has been troubling for President Abdoulie Wade
of Senegal. Furthermore, President Jammeh has been providing  military
support(weapons) and financial support to the MFDC to accomplish their
objectives. In addition, President Jammeh has offered a safe heaven for the
MFDC in the country, and even provide them constant medical assistant for
the injured MFDC rebels; this is very unbearable for Senegal, therefore,
there this is a fair reason for Senegal to intervene.

Nigeria, on the other hand, is also a very close friend and partner. Since
colonial days, The Gambia and Nigeria have developed stronger ties and
co-operation in virtually every area: Economics, Military, Cultural,
political and Diplomatic areas. Nigeria-Gambia partnership dated back in the
colonel days when Gambian Chiefs used to go to Nigeria to show Nigerian
farmers how to grow Ground-nuts, and since then, the bond between the two
countries have extensively strengthened. More significantly, Nigeria have
been playing enormous role in the economic and military areas in the Gambia.
They have been giving education scholarships to both military and
administrative personnel. The most prominent contribution Nigeria made in
the Gambia is that  that their military personnel were once training the
Gambia National Army; and it was under their watch that President Jammeh
took power. But this happened during the time of Africa's worst dictator,
Sani Abacha, who could not care less. What had embarrassed Nigeria is that
under her watch, one of Africa's most leading democratic and human right
countries had lost its innocence. Current Nigerian officials are now feeling
that way. Furthermore, whiles the current Nigerian President, Obasanjo was
on death row during the late President Abacha's time, President Jammeh had
dispatched a letter signed by him to Abacha, urging him(Abacha) to kill
Obasanjo. Now that God had speared Obansanjo's life and offered him the
Presidency, that very letter signed by President Jammeh was seen on files.
Tying knots together in the about analyses, I think Nigeria has all reasons
to answer Gambians call for a help.

In conclusion, fellow Gambians, lets not hope that we would even come close
to considering the final and third option to remove President Jammeh from
Office: International Intervention. This would ask for inviting the United
Nations and other advanced countries such as the United states, Great
Britain to step in to rescue our country. May Almighty God prevent that; we
certainly do not wish that at all. International intervention always comes
in at a time when there is total anarchy, which means that there would have
to be Grasshoppers breeding in the Kaninlai Mansion and refugees fleeing
across the border to senegal and Guinea Bissua. We certainly do not want

Finally, even if it is not in the national interest for Senegal and Nigeria
to intervene, there is certainly a cause for them to intervene on MORAL
PRINCIPLES: There are human beings in The Gambia who also need to live a
decent life and enjoy peace and tranquility without fear. And more
importantly, intervening to eject the dictator is far better than having to
deal with a situation where dead bodies will decay in the streets and
refugees fleeing in mass numbers to neighboring countries. To that fellow
Gambians, lets hope for the best. MAY ALMIGHTY GOD ANSWER THE PRAYERS OF OUR

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