Hi My Friend Ebou,

You are right,'credentials never measure any kind of intellectual power'.
It is interesting that Gambians are not awed anymore with people with
various titles attached to their names.

I for one, i'm not surprised by the Sedat JObes, Saja Taals, Tamsir Jallows.
  These bunch i believe are the intellectuals of the APRC. So much for their
intellectual imput the APRC is in such a state.

Well, Sedat Jobes hero was Leopold Sedat Senghore.  We know Senghore's
philosophy.  Wasn't he who wrote that 'reason is white and emotion is
negro'.  Senghore with all his so-called intellectualism was never able to
face the likes of the late C.A. Diop(the Pharoah of Knowledge), Alioune
Blondie Jobe and many more Senegalese greats.  C.A. Diop was imprisoned
several times under Senghore's rule just because he challenged the status
quo.  Blondie Jobe was murdered under his regime.  Sedat Jobe's
pseudo-intellectualism was nurtured under Senghore in Senegal. No wonder he
is capable of working with the monster Yahya.

In Africa many pseuo-intellectuals have been around.  Kamusu Banda was one
of them.  To me Soglo of Benin, Kabah of S.Leone are all people with 'Dr'
attached to their names yet look at the mess their countries are in.  Kabah
cannot stomach the likes of Kerefa-Smart yet he is suppose to be a democrate
and a former UN employee.

AS you mentioned many of the greatest statesmen never possessed any fancy

For the likes of Saja Taal and Tamsir Jallow, i will reserve my comment for
the Gambians people know better than i do.

My fellow Gambians let us not waste our energies debating about the Sedat
Jobes and his likes.  We should consign them to where they belong; the
dustbin of history.  They are losers.  Let us give our support to the
sincere leaders we have on the ground.  We have the Darboes, Halifas and the
Sedias, so let us move on. The APRC are on their way out.


GOd Bless,


>From: Ebou Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: On Sedat Jobe .
>Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 21:48:05 EDT
>Mr. Jaiteh,
>I understand very well the cognitive dissonance that some of these socalled
>'intellectuals' or shall I say "pseudo-intellectuals" generate in most of
>our minds.  I remember one Father Murphy at St Augustine's High School use
>to tell me that being 'educated' does not in anyway equate to intelligence.
>Infact he asserted that the most intelligent person he has ever met in his
>life was an 'uneducated' farmer up-country.  I cannot agree with him any
>less.  Credentials never never measure any kind of intellectual power, they
>can only indicate the level of academic achievement or some kind of
>proficiency in a specific skill.
>I happen to know personally most of the 'doctors' you mention in your
>list... but I would suggest for you to just think a little deeper on the
>commentaries of Dr. Sedat Jobe and Dr Saja Taal, and try to fathom their
>personalities.  If you substract the 'doctrate' from their names, and
>the turgid language they often use to intimidate the press,  you will
>realize how empty they are.  Trust me every word they say is absolute
>nonsense. No wonder Yaya Jammeh wants to call himself another "doctor".
>Finally I think it is about time for us to know that credentialism has
>absolutely no bearing on the quality of leadership.  In fact the greatest
>leaders in history on average have no advance academic degrees.  Leadership
>requires two important character traits i.e. integrity and vision.
>Integrity to lead by example, as depicted by Sidia Jatta and Halifa Sallah;
>and vision to inspire a people for generations as shown by the examples of
>Kemal Attaturk of Turkey, and the late Captain Thomas Sankara of Burkina
>Faso.  These people are far superior by intelligence quotient to the
>arrogant 'doctors' in the likes of Sedat Jobe, Saja Taal, Yaya Jammeh, and
>the rest.
>Ebou Jallow
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