Dear Abdoulie,
Thanks for wishing us well during these uncertain times.  It is indeed
unfortunate that the jewel of West Africa continues to experience political
instability making Cote d'Ivoire a less attractive business address.
There appears to be a stalmate between the military Ruling Council and the
young Corporal Kone and his officers. As it usually the case in situations
like this, the list of grievences change with time. The muniteers, according
to Corporal Kone, are demanding not only money, but decent accomodation and
more importantly, they are fighting against continued "injustice".
"Injustice" in this context refers to regional, tribal and enthnic
desparities which t
he Guei Government promised to address during the
transition period. The situation, however, continues to be fluid as at 19:30
GMT. As I said earlier, the Gambian community, Bank staff and our families
are indoors and in constant touch with Bank security. The lucky ones are out
on vacation.

Sidi Sanneh


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