<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received this request from Vicki in Houston.  Please reply directly to her
for additional details at: mailto:[log in to unmask]

Michael Jones  mailto:[log in to unmask]  Orlando, FL USA
One of the Celiac, Cel-Kids, & Celiac-Diabetes  Listowners

Sebastian is a 17 year old Swedish boy who is diabetic and also needs a
gluten free diet.  He is described by his teachers as mature, reliable
young man who always tries to do his best.  He gets excellent grades.
Both of his parents are teachers.  He has two younger brothers.  He
loves to play golf and also enjoys skiing,soccer, swimming and
computers.  His favorite subject in school is chemistry!  To help pay
his way to the U.S.  Sebastian has been working at McDonald's part-time.

Students come with their own spending money and health insurance.
Families need only to provide them with their own bed, meals, and the
love and support you would give any child.  I would be happy to fax more
information to anyone interested.  PAX (Program of Academic Exchange) is
a public, non-profit educational foundation committed to cross-cultural
learning and expansion of international understanding.  We are a USIA
designated program.