<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

FYI - I sent this to 20/20, Good Morning America, Nightline & GMA Sunday

I was watching Dr. Timothy Johnson this morning on GMA discussing food
allergies in children.  As I had been preparing to contact the News
Media in regards to a medical travesty here in the US, it occured to me
that Dr. Johnson & ABC News would be the perfect forum for bringing the
issue of Celiac Disease and it's gross under diagnosis in this country
to the awareness of both the public & the medical field.  Celiac Disease
is a condition that increases the risk of intestinal cancer 300%, not to
mention the debilitating symptoms that are erroneously attributed to
irritable bowel & other "catch all" syndromes.  Briefly let me tell you
that the average time for a Celiac patient to be correctly diagnosed is
TEN YEARS - that's how long I had to suffer - needlesly.  In Italy,
every baby born is tested for the disease, In all of Europe 1 out of 300
people are diagnosed with it.  Here in the US where we are largely of
European descent, it is only diagnosed in about 1 in 3000 people.  !

Why?  That's a good question.  Dr. Fasano at the University of MD has
been conducting random studies & it is becoming very clear that the REAL
statistics in the US are the same as those in Europe.  This means that
there is a good chance that 1 in 300 people in this country suffer from
the disease, increase their risk of cancer, and continue to poisen
themselves by eating the typical American diet - loaded with wheat &
gluten which is toxic to Celiacs.  After being bounced around from
Doctor to Doctor, having unecessary invasive tests & surgeries, I was
surprised & angered to find out that by simply removing these foods from
my diet, I was on my way to better health, and not only that, but my
cancer risk will drop back down to that of the general population!
Please consider helping us in getting the word out.  All the Dooctors
need to do is THINK about Celiac disease.  The idea that it is a "rare
condition" is just pure fiction.

Thank you so much, I have tried to find an email address for Dr. Johnson
but have been unsuccesful.  I would appreciate any response.

Thanks you again,

Angela Lussier