<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear all,

This summer we go on a three week bicycle camping  holiday in
France with our 7-year old Celiac daughter. Before (traveling by
car) we succesfully baked GF-bread in a "miracle pan" on a
campstove, but it is too  large and heavy to take now. Thus we
are looking for a more light-weight solution. On the net we found
an "Outback Oven" ({ HYPERLINK http://www.campor.com) }www.campmor.com).
I have two questions:
    Has anyone experience with this or something similar?
    Especially in baking GF-bread?

    I will be going to Berkeley for a conference at the end of this
    month. Does someone know whether there is a shop in this
    area that sells this type of equipment (or might be selling it?).
    (Shipping costs for buying online are $40, thus it would be
    worth a try to buy it there).

Other suggestions on how to substitute bread, on how to bake
bread in a pan on the (camp)stove top or other topics are
welcome too.

Thank you very much,
Hendriek Boshuizen
The Netherlands

Erik Alsema