<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Listmates,

Regarding the post about teabags and possible wheat based glue in them:
I just got off the phone with Roberta at Celestial Seasonings
(800-351-8175) about their tea.  She read from the company manual that
the paper the bags are made from has no gluten. I thanked her for that
information, but asked how the paper was made into bags since the
concern was about possible wheat in the glue.  She left the phone and
returned with the information that no glue was used in their teabags and
that they work with CSA and are listed as GF.

I have no financial interest here. Just  products I have used for a long
time.  In fact, it's a raw, rainy day here in Boston so I think I will
have a cup of their tea with a clear mind.
