If you are talking about "disconnect call if idle for more than xx minutes"
(or in your case NOT selected...) that setting is (in Win95b):
Start, Settings, Control Panel, Modems, Properties, Connections, etc.

If you are talking about "keep-alive" programs that "ping" your ISP,
and keep you online while doing nothing...
All I can say is don't get caught with one... They frown on it...
I just hang up and come back...  Big downloads are a different story...
                            Rick Glazier

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Weingart" <[log in to unmask]>
> Just a quick question, or so I hope.  Somewhere I read where you can change your settings so if you are away from your computer
for a while, and on line, your connection will not be terminated. Could somewhere please tell me how to adjust that setting?

                         PCSOFT's List Owner's:
                      Bob Wright<[log in to unmask]>
                       Drew Dunn<[log in to unmask]>