On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 07:15:10 -0400, Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]>

The "allowed ones" were:
>> Banana, rice, potatoe
>And don't forget grapes, sweep potatoes, grapefruit, pears,
>blueberries, watermelon, and raspberries, all in rather limited

>> These 3 (can) have sufficient thiamin - at least compared to all sweets.
>Compared to all sweets, yes.  But compared to other natural
>carbs?  Anchell claims to have personally worked with over 2,000
>obese patients and asserts that substituting other foods -- even
>similar ones, such as strawberries or canteloupe -- stalls or
>diminishes weight loss.

Could you mention the rest of the "avoid" list?
(what is canteloupe??)
I would assume that certain fruit are unnaturally sweet and low in b1
but strawberries?

For curiosity i run it trough the nat:
 Food 1-WATERMELON-RAW (09326)-1:1 lb
 Food 2-SWEETPOTATO-BAKED (11508)-1:1 lb
 Food 3-STRAWBERRIES-RAW (09316)-1:1 lb

   Nutri     Food 1   Food 2   Food 3
  Calories   145.15    467.2   136.08
   Pro (g)     2.72     7.71     2.72
  Carb (g)    32.66   110.22    31.75
 vitC (mg)    43.54   111.58   257.19
 Thia (mg)     0.36     0.33     0.09
 Ribo (mg)     0.09     0.58      0.3
  Nia (mg)     0.91     2.72     1.04

Strawberries *are* low in b1 per carb.
But not more than cooked sweetpotatoe.
And low in riboflavin, which is a energy (CAC) vitamin too.

>Meanwhile, I've lost two more pounds, making a total of seven
>since Sunday.  I just don't get it.  I'm not complaining, of
>course, but it certainly is weird.

I guess there are some that could easily get jealous above your
success :-)

Amadeus S.