Although this may be paleo, it's certainly not very healthy.  Heating
delicate oils such as olive oil turns them into 'killing' fats (see Fats
that Heal Fats that kill by Udo Erasmus).  Heat alters the molecules of
these delicate fats and turns them into trans-fatty acids.  Even saturated
fat is considered more healthful than heated olive oil.


>Valerie Goldstein wrote:
I know this is off subject, but I have just discovered the most wonderful
paleo food.  Probably not good to eat every day, but as a treat.....  It is
deep fried cauliflower.  You don't put anything on it--just fry it in olive
oil till the outside is brown and crispy.  Then drain, sprinkle with lemon
juice and parsley, and serve.  Yum!
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