I have a correction to make on my numbers. I wrote:

>1 square kilometer (1km*1km) in a rich area naturally is inhabited by
>as much wild game as one hunter needs per year (4-5 big animals plus the
>smaller). Anything more is from agro fedder.
>But as also hunters want to live longer as 1 year,as some animals have to
>left alive. To have baby animals. Thus in a lasting kind of wild game
>exploitation, serious estimations go to 10 square kilometers per human.
>Anything more will kill of the wild game population in the long run.
>This are 10000ha or 50000 acres, right?

I have to correct:

10 square kilometers are
10000*1000/10000 = 1000ha. One acre is 4.0468564224E3 m*m.
So 10 sq.km are 10000*1000*(1/4.0468564224E3) = 2471 acres
if it's not too hot outside :-) to compute properly.

Land requirement for one h/g.

>How big is your garden? how big is your island?
How big is you family? your village, your town?


Amadeus Schmidt