
The e-mail below is a commentary from one of my sources in the Gambia.

Ebrima Ceesay


Hello Ebrima,

The arrest on counts of Murder of the UDP leadership, leaves everyone in the
national and international community gob-smacked! In some nefarious way,
Yaya Jammeh and the APRC are insinuating that the death of driver Alieu Njie
was all the fault of the UDP personnel: that the UDP vanguard in the Basse
area decided to "do an April 10th/11th" on the peaceful and loyal friends of
the APRC. Who is kidding who?

The reported movements and actions of the APRC supporters suggest the
contrary. Somewhat in the manner of the Ku Klux Klan right-wing activists of
60's and 70s USA history, so-called President Jammeh is sending out his
personal militia to do death and destruction on his political opponents.

Civil rights and social justice mean nothing to Yaya Jammeh and his
entourage: they twist the facts of daily life; they twist the letter of the
law; they twist the outcomes of their bullying tactics; they
pretend that they are an innocent and benevolent government imbued with the
milk of human kindness.

In truth, we know them from April 10th/11th to the present day to be liars,
murderers and opportunists. We know that the members of the UDP reported to
have been in "involved in the fighting" were forced to protect themselves
against Yaya Jammeh's thugs: their plea will be "self-defence" and God will
help them to secure this judgement.

Up until 1994, Ebrima, the country had been "relatively peaceful": it was
known as a "beacon for a democratic ideal": Yes, there was an acknowledged
element of political corruption but basically the country and its leaders
were perceived as "sound".

And now within the space of 6 years, our country's reputation on the
international scene, has plummeted to below zero. We now have the
situation where an overtly corrupt and aggressive military (quasi-civilian
APRC) regime is orchestrating armed raids on opposition groups as well as on

Who sent those APRC people on their journey to intercept Ousainnou Darboe?
Who persuaded them that this was the right thing to do? Who persuaded them
to transgress all the laws of this country? Really, what DID these people
think would be the conseqeunce of their actions?

The Gambia, our country, is in the hands of an increasingly despotic and
dangerous leadership. Yaya Jammeh thinks nothing of putting Gambians in
Gambian Society down: he is concerned only with self-preservation and
ultimate power.

All of us need to be uniting in our support of opponents of the APRC
regime, regardless of political persuasion: we need to come together as a
cohesive opposition group who will see the back of Jammeh and his

Recent events, despite the terrible sadness of them, signal the upsurge of
anti-government feeling within The Gambia. We pledge our support to put an
end to this terrible state of affairs. We are looking forward to waving
"farewell" to the president and his cohorts. We are anxious to greet The New

Thank you !

PS: Ebrima, for sure, by tommorow, I'll start sending you confidential
information again on the activities of this despotic Yaya Jammeh Government.
I'll leave the UDP updates with Saihou Mballow who is already doing a very
good job in that regard.

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