Greetings All,

     May was a busy month administratively - with 8 new folks joining -
Lori Hickman,  Joseph Schumacher, Vincent Cleniuk, Nancy Butala, Raquel
Schnitzer, David Freels, Min-Wen Wang, and William Shaw. As someone of you
change ISPs - I may have included someone who is indeed not new - ooppps -
there are a number of folks who do the ISP hop -  3 folks checked out us
briefly and 17 folks left - which includes our Chester and Steve who will
both be back - at some point!!  The list membership stands at 330 this
morning which includes some folks with 2 addresses.

    On the posting end - May had a total of 1001 messages with the top two
most popular posts being - Civil War Topic - severely off tupic - with 45
posts and Levitating Birds ( Major off topic) with 33 posts.  The top five
contributors for May where Betty with 168 posts, Steve with 139, Ken with 95
and Mag with 91 and Bobby with 78.  Laura and Kyle - you will have to do
better combined you came at 6th place with 57.

                                                     Brightest Blessings