<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I know it may seem heartless, but a lot of problems occur with the list because
people don't take the time to read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sent to
them after they subscribe, including the sections on how the list is to be used
(and what it is not to be used for) and how to use some of the better
tools, such as the archeive.  I say this since the individual says they
don't have time to read, can someone do this for me.  If this occurs,
they the individual won't take the personal responsibility to read the
FAQ, and will be an iresponsible user.  Membership in a listserve has
it's inherant responsibilities, such as conforming to protocols, and not
asking the group andless questions that are answered in the FAQ.  For
example, how many lazy members ask the group how to unsubscribe.  Answer
= look in the FAQ.  FYI   Scott