<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi, I'm new to the listserv, so please excuse me if I ask for info that
was recently obtained.

I have perused the FAQs so I am familiar with the listserv's official
statements made regarding buckwheat.  Based on the reading and
layperson's research I've done, I understand that buckwheat itself is
not even a grain (the name is unfortunate--a misnomer) but a plant
apparently related to rhubarb, whose fruit is ground into flour (hard
to imagine, when one thinks of common fruit being ground into flour!).
I do suspect, as the FAQs suggest, that those people with gluten
intolerance who make a point to avoid buckwheat do so because they have
had unfortunate results after eating food made with a blend of
buckwheat and wheat--whether this blend was intentional (recipe) or
accidental (a tainted mill).  Other distinct possibilities for
buckwheat avoidance are prudence (what if .  .  ?)  and mindset (the
popular Dr. Andrew Weil noted in a piece on general allergies, "Don't
forget that there is a significant mind-related component in allergy as
well.  In one demonstration that's been around in the medical
literature for some time, people strongly allergic to roses reacted
just as violently to a plastic rose.  This shows that allergies can be
learned -- and anything learned can be unlearned.").  Please understand
that after going through lactose intolerance before lactose intolerance
was a recognized physical situation, I am the first person not to say
"It's all in your head"; I do know, though, from personal experience,
that I have reacted to foods only because my mind was made up that I
would react.  I've done quite a bit of experimentation with this.

Now, to my original mission:  I am seeking vegan buckwheat recipes.
For those unfamiliar with the term vegan, vegan recipes are those made
with no ingredients derived from animals in any manner (flesh, eggs,
dairy (including whey and casein), honey, propolis, certain sugar (made
with use of bone char), etc.).  I am very taken with buckwheat and
would like to learn how to make vegan buckwheat crackers, bread,
pancakes, waffles, pitas, tortilla shells, pie crust, and cake.  Anyone
success with such recipes (my attempts at making vegan pancakes have
been utter failures) and willing to share them, I would be forever
grateful--as may be others on this listserv.  Because I am short on
money and time, I would rather not simply receive references to
cookbooks, as I may well already have them.  I want tried and true
recipes from you (or from books you've tapped into and have found to
work well).

Thanks so much for your time and consideration.

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