<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi All--

Thanks to everyone who responded to my question about IgE or IgM
responses to foods.  Approx. 30 of you replied, and all were very
insightful! Makes me wish more doctors were subscribed to this list!
What I've found from my research on IgE and IgM is this: IgE is the
antibody measured to determine allergies, found in mast cells and mucus
membranes. IgM, on the other hand, is the antibody produced when
challenged by antigens and is present most often in delayed food
reactions or responses to viral or bacteria infections. One can respond
to any number of viruses or bacteria in the form of rashes. True
allergies to foods in adults are rare, though intolerances or
sensitivities may be more prevalent. (My allegist insisted that I do not
have food allergies and that he knew of only two intolerances - lactose
and gluten. He did, however, support the position that food additives,
preservatives and chemicals are a source of rashes and reactions.) One
member of the list suggested I do research on the diet developed and
used by the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) in Australia to identify
various chemical reactions to food additives and substances naturally
occuring in foods. I did some research on this and on first impression,
it appears to be a valid "elimination" diet, very different from those
used in the U.S (my opinion, of course). For those interested in
checking it out, the web address is: sdengate@ozemail..com.au

And finally, before listing the replies I received, since my post, I
stopped eating eggs or anything containing egg derivatives for 10 days,
then scrambled some gf Egg Beaters for supper one night. Within twenty
minutes, I experienced upper right quadrant pain that has been present
since a year before my gallbladder surgery and since my gallbladder was
removed. So, one food down...if I don't eat eggs, I don't have the pain.
Still can't be certain about what's causing the itchy rashes, but I'll
do more research via food elimination.
The following is what you told me in response to my question about IgE & IgM:

Many said they had fewer "allergic" symptoms after going gf
Several suggested the ELISA, RAST, or Arrest test for food
allergies/intolerances, though several of you mentioned false negatives
such as being a biopsy proven celiac with no wheat reaction on the RAST test
Natureopths were helpful in determining and treating allergies/intolerances
Gallbladder and liver problems can produce itchy rashes
Many used the food diary method of determining problems with foods - and
indicated it was more reliable than any testing by physicians
Many people also commented on how bad flu shots were - that they can
contain poisons such as formaldehyde - those people avoided taking flu shots

I hope some of this information helps those of you who wrote interested
in my summary. Thanks again to everyone who replied!

Ayn Gilliland
Topeka, Kansas