<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Please bear with me.  Although I have been a member of the list for
several years I have never taken the plunge of writing an inquiry to the
list..,,but, here goes.

I am a biopsied Celiac who has been gluten free for many years.  I am
one of the group that does not present the typical picture.  I am no
longer the waif-thin person with chronic diarrhea.  I am overweight
(actually it is qualifiably obese) and look fairly healthy.  However, I
have developed multiple neurological problems which my doctor has
labeled CIDP (chronic Inflammatory demyelianating polyneuropathy).  She
feels that the problems are quite possibly a result of complications
from the Celiac Disease.

The problems are bad enough that I am no longer able to work.  I have
applied for Disability Benefits and have gotten to the appeal part where
I must appear in front of a judge.  I have secured the services of a
lawyer that specializes in disability cases but guess what?  He has
never heard of Celiac Disease or CIDP.  Not many folks in this area

My question is has anyone else applied for disability? If so have you
had any success at getting qualified?  Do you have any tips for me or
that I can pass on to my lawyer?

Thanks for your patience with my first posting.  Any and all responses
are appreciated.    Ming@brazosnet