On Wed, 17 May 2000 11:52:00 -0700, Wally Day <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> Rule #2: Eat the right foods at the right times.
>>     Most lifters have a vague idea that they should
>> choke down some protein after a workout. But few
>> realize how important it is to eat protein and >
>carbohydrates before a workout.
>>     "You should have one gram of carbohydrates to
>> each half gram of protein an hour before a workout,"
>> says Susan M. Kleiner, Ph.D., R.D.,

And everything that follows falls right into the "R.D." (registered dietitian)
propaganda stream.

Justin (and many recent messages) covered the first half of this article on
exercise, so I thought I would comment on the second half on diet.

This "insulin builds muscles" thing doesn't make much sense to me, so I am going
to research it further.   I smell a situation similar to "saturated fat", ie one
poorly designed study becoming "inerrant truth" by being eagerly grasped upon by
a whole slew of professionals who need something on which to base the
recommendations they are being paid to give.  I'll look into it (if anyone has
references for the original studies, please e-mail me).

BTW, the book "Low Fat Lies..." has a section about how Sen. George McGovern
took that one study on saturated fat, and ended up - due to political compromise
- creating the first official government recommendations for "low fat", which
ended up leading to Snackwells, little hearts on menus, and other insanity...


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