Good Morning,

3 years ago I bought a Jaton modem. The box said 33,600 bits per
second. Only after a few calls to my ISP's tech support did I ever get
it to download at speeds up to 20,000 bits per second. Never any

I installed Linux Mandrake 7.0 a couple of weeks ago and it found my
modem without any problem. Under Linux it now connects at 57,600 and
the downloads speeds are much faster--twice as fast than when running
Windows. Any ideas as to why this is happening. Just one more thing
to love about Linux.

I am using Boot Magic right now for the duel boot system but as soon
I learn the Linux file system Windows is going out the door.

Gary Wigle

The box said "Windows '95 or better.
So I installed Linux Mandrake instead.
Yep! It's better than Windoze '9x.

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