Hi, I'm pretty new to this list, and I hope someone can help me with this
inquiry.  My 18 month old son, Dallin, is allergic to milk, eggs, and
peanuts.  That's all I know of for sure.  When any of these things touch
his skin, within minutes, the place where contact was made is red,
swollen, warm, and hivey (is that a word?).  The way I found he was
allergic to peanuts was by giving him a crumb of a peanut butter cookie
when he was about 8 months old.  Soon he was sneezing uncontrollably, his
eyes and nose were running, and his nasal passages were blocked.  (He
could breathe through his mouth, though.)  Similar things happened when I
was holding him in my arms and measuring out some powdered milk.  I guess
he breathed in some of the powder.  Once I accidentally gave him a cup
with milk in it to drink (I thought it was his soy milk, but it turned
out to be his sister's regular milk).  Minutes later he was throwing up
and didn't stop until his stomach was empty.  So it appears that his
reaction to milk is pretty severe.  He has also been given various
crackers or things with whey in the ingredients. Sometimes this will
cause his skin to break out (when a chewed up piece gets smeared
around--you know how babies are) and sometimes it doesn't appear to cause
any problem.  My question is this:  Should he totally avoid all
derivatives of milk regardless of a noticeable reaction, or is it safe to
give him things that don't seem to bother him.  He has also had a taste
of some poppy seed bread that I made that had milk and eggs in it, but he
was fine after eating it.  It seems like if he seems fine there should be
no problem, but I think to myself that if his skin breaks out from
contact, what is it doing to the inside of him?!  Any ideas or
suggestions?  It would be nice to not have to make the special cookies
and breads for him with no-milk margarine and egg substitutes if it
appeared he could tolerate that, but I don't want to be making things
worse or making his immune system have to work harder than it needs to.
I have four other children with no allergies, and then Dallin comes along
to wake me up!
Thanks in advance for any advice!

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