My one serious experience was when I was holding my year old son in my
arms while measuring out powdered milk.  I know he did not touch it, but
started sneezing uncontrollably, his nose and eyes running, and his nasal
passages were blocked, though he could still breathe through his mouth.
He didn't get any hives, though, which is what he gets from contact.

We are very carefull to keep dairy products away from Dallin, but
sometimes it is diffucult as he is the youngest of 5 children and my
other ones are still young (9, 7, 5, and 3)  So drops of milk, or shreds
of cheese, or I don't even know what all, may be on the floor at any
time.  I sweep every night, but I can't keep it totally clean all the
time!  I am careful to wash his high chair tray with a different cloth
than I am cleaning up cereal and peanut butter (another allergen for
him), etc. with because when I didn't discriminate, he would break out
after sitting in his high chair eating an innocent food.  I also don't
use the community towel on him to dry hom off after washing off after
meals.  Who knows What is on those!Sometimes he will have a mysterious
rash and I don't know what he got it from.  I can only guess it's because
we Don't have a dairy free house.  I don't know how to retrain my other
four children (or myself!) so we just try to keep it away from Dallin.  I
have taken him to Mc Donalds, but when he was too young to play on
anything, and he had no problems.  We go to parks all the time, and I
can't say he's ever had a problem with those either, but I guess he could
have a little rash, nothing serious, and I just didn't connect it to the

Does your son have any other allergies?  Maybe there was something in the
air, not necessarily milk, that affected him.  Who knows!  I have found
my son's allergies to be full of mysteries, and it is a great exploring
and learning experience for me to learn to live with it.

I guess I didn't help much, just rambling
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