I guess JFW has really done their marketing well, since you can say that
their support for six different braille displays constitutes making them the
leading screen reader for braille display support, especially when the
two-year-old version 2.54 of SynthaVoice's WindowBridge screen reader
supported 35 displays and they added a few more in versions 2.55 and 2.56.

Other than that piece of disinformation, your report on the Alva Braille
Window was okay.  Now to see the real most reliable and easiest-to-use
braille displays, take a look at anything in the current Braillex line from
Papenmeier, which are also supported by JFW and by WindowBridge.

Information on the Braillex products for U.S. prospective buyers can be
gotten at the website of the U.S. distributor, Sighted Electronics:


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Brent Reynolds, Atlanta, GA  USA

Net-Tamer V 1.12 Beta - Registered

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