>     My mother's family is part Commanche.   She and her grandmother are
>obese and
>have diabetes.  I have read that the diabetic symptoms will reduce when
>return to their traditional diet.

A high-carb, grain-rich diet hits hardest in the beginning.  Native
Americans who've been eating the modern diet for only a few generations
suffer more than people like me whose forebearers have been eating bread and
potatoes (and so on) for hundreds (thousands?) of years.  Cute, fat Eskimo
you see in cartoons?  They're the ones who just started eating Twinkies.
The ones who still live on whale blubber are lean, mean whaling machines.
Yet John Q. Consumer thinks it's just the opposite.

Native or not, ANYONE with insulin resistance will see improvement on the
early human diet.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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