>"Very low carb"- is a nice and funny nutrition style probably hardly ever
>connected to a actual paleo lifestyle. Just different.
>Only achievable by meat masses because there's no other nearly-carb-free
>protein-source in nature (i'm aware of). This seems to be the only
>connection to neanderthin.

I can't tell if the above is from Zoe or Amadeus.  Either way, I should
probably keep my hole shut, but here goes:

"Very" low carb?  Maybe not.  But it would take a helluva lot of
pre-agriculture fruit to come even CLOSE to the Pepsi-Twinkie-Wonder
Bread-Spaghettios diet of today.  Even today's "healthy" carb diet is higher
in starch than the Paleo diet.  Fruits are the only significant source of
carbs in the diet of early humans and fruits then is completely different
from fruit today.

Even a conservative scientist will tell you that humans are omnivores. That
means we eat it all, including meat.  Did one of you just fall off the
turnip truck?

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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