I think that you work out way too much!  You must be taking supplements that
allow quick recovery to be able to work out that much.

> Mary Craddock wrote:
> wanted to report a problem and see if anyone has any advice for me-
> worked out with weights Friday, upper body (do this 3 x wk Mon, Wed, Fri)
> For the first time since I started weight training 6 months ago I had kind
> of
> an energy collapse. I completed my first set of overhead press and could
> not
> finish my next two sets. It felt like I was lifting twice as much weight
> as I
> actually was. I did complete the whole workout but it was limited in reps
> and
> sets. The next day I was sore. Should not have been.
> That day I did eat a little less than usual before the workout (worked out
> at
> 4:00 pm)
> and did not eat as much protein. I ate half an apple at lunch (with other
> food-meat)which is a new item added to my diet as of late. I eat mainly
> meat
> and do take supplements. After the workout I felt weak and slightly
> nauseous.
> I eat, generally, a low carb diet, less than 40 grams carb per day.
> I lift weights fairly intensely on the 3 upper body days. On Tues and
> Thurs I
> do lower body workout. All five days I train my abdomen. I work out on
> weekends sometimes but not always.
> I figured I ran out of glycogen and my muscles just couldn't perform.
> What do you think?
> ------------------------------
> End of PALEOFOOD Digest - 14 May 2000 to 15 May 2000 (#2000-276)
> ****************************************************************