>Well, researchers recommend a high complex carb diet "to keep blood
> >glucose levels in normal range."

Oh, puh-LEEZE!  I'll give these devils the benefit of the doubt and assume
that normal glucose levels are, indeed, a noble and effective goal.  That's
endocrinology 101.  But this complex-carbs-are-good philosophy is moronic.
Eades & Eades explain it very well in "Protein Power": carbs become sugar.
Hell, I learned that in junior high!  Even the most conservative health
authority knows that sugar-loaded food products like Twinkies are bad for
you.  If the starch in beans-n-'taters basincally turns to Twinkie-filler in
the bloodstream, then why eat beans-n-'taters 'n bread 'n corn 'n rice 'n
noodles n' oatmeal all the live-long day?  What makes fat and even protein
evil to the so-called 'health experts'?  Granted, complex carbs are better
than simple carbs (i.e. table sugar) but what's WRONG with a diet that
includes meat and (gasp!) fat?  Nothing whatsoever, as those of us on the
list can attest.

Normal glucose levels are clearly the way to go.  This statement's madness
is in the method.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

(Who ranted longer than she should've, but feels better having done so.)
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