High blood pressure or hypertension is sometimes called the SILENT KILLER
because many people never know they have it. Over 40 million Americans are
affected . People with hypertension for the most part dont
feel anything. They may occasionally feel dizzy, fatigued or have a slight
headache. Anyone can develop a high blood pressure, but some people are more
likely to develop it than others.
Everyone regardless of race, age or sex can help lower their chance of
developing high blood pressure by doing the folowing;
1.Eating foods lower in salt[sodium].
2.Regular exercises or being physically active--This is the number one
problem for the YETTEH JALLOWS-- OOPS! Sorry YaAnna.
3.If you drink alcohol drink in moderation-limit drinks to one a day.
4.Try to loose some weight if you are overweight. Very often people can
lower their blood pressure simply by loosing a few pounds.
5.You may wanna consider quitting smoking. You can do it. If you are a
non-smoker please make sure you do not start smoking.
6.Eating foods high in potassium will also help in maintaining a healthy
blood pressure. Bananas are high in potassium.
7.Cut on your caffeine, because the caffeine in coffee, tea and soda may
cause blood pressure to go up.
8.Stress can make your blood pressure go up, but stress management
techniques like relaxation would help maintain a healthy blood pressure.
MAY is National High Blood Pressure Month and this is just a reminder to see
your Doctors regularly for a simple blood pressure check. You can even stop
by most of your local pharmacies and have your blood pressure checked. It
may go along way in saving your live. A desirable blood pressure would be
120 or less over 80 or less.
God Bless and Peace Be Upon All.
Alasana Bah
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