Keep up the good work and do be careful as your source suggested. The pressure must be maintained and sustained. I have no doubt in my mind that the criminals have already chickened out. We must harden our resolve and speak in one voice. It's the only way to uproot Fascism. The message to the tyrant must be repeated by all concerned in unison that Fascism will not be appeased and will be uprooted.
Hamjatta Kanteh
[log in to unmask] wrote on 5/13/00 2:08:21 PM

One of my sources in the Gambia has sent the e-mail below.

Ebrima Ceesay


Hello Ebrima,

How are things with you? I hope you are fine. Well, with regard to those of
us working very close with President Jammeh's office, I have to say that we
are in a constant state of panick, because you never know what the monster
is up to.

In fact, I was told by a colleague, that Mam Njie may have been fired as
Permanent Secretary, because they thought he may have leaked the Vice
President Isatou Njie-Saidy's resignation to you.

Therefore, be prudent/careful with the information I send you; remember that
we are on the ground.

And before I proceed any further, I wish to state that by responding to Edi
Sidibeh's provoking e-mail, you have committed two serious errors. Your
first error was leaving the signature of the sender of one of the
earlier postings. Although, you quickly admitted the error, the damage had
already been done in that we, civil servants, became suspects as being your

The second error, which is quoting from private e-mails from sources, will
only provide Yahya Jammeh with hints of who and who are feeding you with
information. These errors combined may just impinge on your credibility and
that of your sources. So ignore people like Edi Sidibeh in future.

On Mr. Hamjatta Kanteh's posting, I had drafted a letter to this effect
yesterday, but I have not yet posted it to you. However, I can confirm to
you there is "panic" within the inner circle of the Jammeh regime. In fact,
playing the tribal card, Jammeh said the other day that he was aware of the
opposition to his rule (I say to his mis-rule) and that he was also aware of
the fact that the "Banjulunkas" will never accept an outsider as their

He even said that his own APRC was against him. This one I know something
about. A top APRC party stalwart confided in me that they simply cannot
muster enough courage to tell Jammeh to his face to quit the party.

But, the gentleman continued "we are working on something and with some
one". He has provided the name of one individual whose identity I will not
divulge at this time.

According to this party stalwart, Jammeh has only brought shame and disgrace
to Gambians while enriching himself in the process. "This man has betrayed
us" he added before leaving. The indemnity is a trial balloon knowing the
likes of Yankuba, Edward and Jatta of GNA would also like to be in
indemnified for obvious reasons.

So, Ebrima, I am confirming that, indeed, there is panic in their midst.
Next time, I will give you an insight into the APRC itself, a perfect case
study of how NOT to organise and run a Political

Anyway, in his attempt to sell the idea of indemnity for himself, Yaya
Jammeh has suggested Dr Momodou Lamin Sedat Jobe, to replace him as interim
president. And it is now clear that one of the reasons why Mrs Isatou
Njie-Saidy's resignation has not been accepted by Jammeh for now, apart from
the rapid melt-down that it will cause at this moment, is because Yaya wants
to include her departure in the deal. Ebrima, things have really fallen
apart in the government; so you guys should keep the presure on.

As for the Jammeh's other hand-picked civilians in his Cabinet, I know for a
fact, that all exits are being blocked. For instance, "that stupid one" at
the Education Ministry has been putting feelers for a job at UNESCO. Tell
her not to bother, and by the way, GAMSU is being encouraged to submit a
petition to UNESCO, UNICEF, ILO.

So, Ebrima, all International Organisations have been alerted and provided
with the names of these characters who have been knocking on
their doors for employment.

Yahya Jammeh has reduced them to his level, no self-esteem, no respect
(Rudney Dangerfield, any one?) Ebrima, leave this one in for those
who appreciate America humour.

Some tit-bits: the atmosphere continues to be tense and uncertain. And by
the way, the IMF is in fact in town and they would like answers to the
"BIVAC Controversy" as the Observer puts it. Why is this Government
persistent on carrying on with the "scheme" by deliberately misleading the
public and the business community?

The dalasi is D15.54 against the dollar; a 40% depreciation in three
months, thanks to Yahya Jammeh, Nfamara Jatta and the man who brought the
BIVAC team to Yahya. That man is none other than the First Lady's
Father-in-Law of The Gambia.

And this man, Zeinab's father-in-law, according to friends in Conakry, is
the biggest small-time crook in this side of west Africa.

These are the type of characters this government has been attracting to our
beautiful country. Ebrima, and the rest of you, take the advise
of Saul Khan, if you have not already done so, START COUNTING. With kind of
pressure, the days of Yaya's rule are numbered.

I believe Solomon Njie wanted to know the goings and comings of Baba Jobe. I
do not know the character personally, even though we do meet at official
functions and, of course, in the office.

Anyway, I wish to share an anecdot with Solomon, as an illustration of the
character in the man: Last year, Charles Taylor paid a visit to The Gambia.
Upon arrival, he was met by Yahya Jammeh and the usual crowd. In
that crowd was Baba Jobe.

There were many folks present, so I can afford to pinpoint my location. As
Charle Taylor walked the receiving line, he noticed Baba and rushed  to
greet his old time friend, leaving his host six steps behind: "Hey Baba, you
are here? (Don't mind him, he knows where Baba Jobe is every
minute of the day) "Good to see you", said Taylor.

Yaya Jammeh was astonished at the site of his trusted confidant in the
arms of Charles Taylor. Jammeh could not conceal his astonishment; he pulled
Baba's sleeves and said "You did not tell me that you are on first name
basis with Charles Taylor".

He is right, that was the first time Yahya knew the close relationship
between Baba and Charles Taylor. I'll leave the rest to Solomon.

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