Kebba Dampha:

Yes, I second your motion. I am also suggesting, as you did, that we try and
get the services of Ousman Sillah, one of the most experienced lawyers in
the Gambia.

Ousman Sillah is a man of integrity, but, more significantly, his knowledge
of the law is superb/unbelievable! He was one of Gambian lawyers who
impressed me when I was a court reporter in the Gambia.

But I am also happy to see eloquent Amie Drammeh-Bensouda, a good sister of
mine I would say, in the team. As for lawyer Baa Tambedou, he calls me
"Coach", for I was one of his Soccer coaches, maybe the first one. Baa's
elder brother, Sheriff Tambedou, is also an execellent lawyer. He in fact
defended me when the Jammeh regime sued us (the Editors of the private
Gambian newspapers) in 1996.

Human rights advocate Emmanuel Joof, also a smart guy, was our Human rights
columnist at the Daily Observer. As for Mariam Jack, she was the first
Gambian female, or the second Gambian woman, to be called/enrolled to the
Gambian Bar. Therefore, she needs no introduction

Indeed, we already have a good legal team, but it would be more helpful, I
would have thought, if we could also add someone of Ousman Sillah's calibre.

Meanwhile, good luck to the legal team!

Hamjatta: Yes, I did get your private message. In fact, Sister Ndey did tell
me that you had phoned when I was in London, but I was sleeping at the time.
By the way, I'll ask one of my sources in the Gambia to check that
information for you.

Ebrima Ceesay
Birmingham, UK.

>From: Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Progress report
>Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 16:16:00 EDT
>Thank you very much Alpha, Soffie, Karamba and others for your tireless
>efforts. I just want to respond to your call for suggestions about legal
>representation for our fallen heroes. A name that comes to mind is Lawyer
>Ousman Sillah. He is a man of integrity with a very strong sense of
>He represented Pap Cheyassin Secka after the 1981 coup. I understand that
>also represented Ousainou Darboe on numerous occasions when the latter was
>harassed by the Yaya regime. Am just mentioning these few achievements to
>demonstrate that I do not think that this is a man who can be easily
>intimidated or who would easily compromise his strong legal ethics. Give
>a call and see what he thinks. I wish I could help you with his phone
>number. Continue the good work.

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