As you said please do not waste another drop of ink from your pen and engage this gentleman in some silly-sallying.
I mean this gentleman is just funny or weird. The script has to come from some Gourbel Diagne and Dawda Guisse setting. It seems for every tyrant in history we would have an equally naive and absurd character who would see it as his/her duty to defend them even if it borders on irrationality. I just don't get it. A screw must be loose somewhere.
At this stage i don't see why any sincere Gambian would doubt that Jammeh is a malignant tumour that has gone out of control. But then sincerity like honesty has become a rarity or non-existent with some people.
This is the same gentleman who when defending Tombong and Essa Sey insulted everyone's intelligence by insinuating/asserting that anyone in their respective shoes would have acted the same way so we should just shut it. And now he had the nerve to assert again that he is not trying to discredit or despoil your integrity when he said you are forger par excellence vis-a-vis the emails from your source. The gentleman's reasoning is near impossible to take into stock. I guess i will have to waste my time and hit it to him that a discredited regime like Jammeh's is filled from top to bottom with deepthroats and silent whistle blowers. But even that wouldn't do the trick with this gentleman.
On the mails from your source, be comforted in the knowledge that some of us who have the sense to read between the lines know that everything we read from those mails are a possibility.
This gentleman's naivety would have to be excused lest he turn us all into kindergarten cranks.
Keep up the pressure. Fascism must be uprooted and not appeased.
Hamjatta Kanteh

[log in to unmask] wrote on 5/12/00 1:43:07 PM
Whatever you doing man, we appreciate it. Word!!

>From: ebrima ceesay <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Attention Edi Sidibeh
>Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 05:21:15 PDT
>Edi Sidibeh,
>You are not my level/standard, so I am not going to waste, even a minute of
>my time and debate you. And, by the way, you do not have to believe what I
>post to the L, that's your prerogative. In fact, that is even healthy in
>true democracy.
>But, fortunately, Edi, I did not delete the e-mail, in which one of my
>sources in the Gambia asked me to empty my PC, and I am now reproducing
>of it, just for the record, so that you can read it for yourself.
>You'll even realise that there was in fact a compliment in the e-mail,
>captioned "Be on the Look out", but which compliment I had deleted, just
>trying to be humble.
>Yes, Edi, in most cases, I do rewrite the e-mails that I receive from my
>sources, without, of course, distorting the facts. And that is
>permissible/normal in Journalism. But you wouldn't even know that fact!
>I rewrite the e-mails, first and foremost, to disguise the sources, and,
>secondly, to simplify the content, so that the information they contain is
>well understood.
>Ebrima Ceesay
>Birmingham, UK.
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Be on the look out
>>Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 14:46:31 -0700 (PDT)
>>Hello Ebrima,
>>Empty your PC of all messages I sent. They are trying
>>to have someone break into your apartment. Clean the
>>PC and send me a note. I see that you are quite
>>popular these days. You are a hero in Banjul
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Hamjatta Kanteh

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