Hi Joyce,

>In the winter when there is ice and snow. I am in Winnipeg, Manitoba
> >Canada, above North Dakota.

I'm Canadian too.  Never been to Manitoba, but used to live in central
Ontario.  200 miles north of Toronto.  I well appreciate the disabiling
effects of Canadian winters.  During my time in Ont, I would be housebound
for weeks on end while in winter's evil clutches. Getting out was a huge
undertaking.  Wheelchairs/scooters and snow don't mix too well.  On top of
all that, cold make my lungs spasm, I had to stay home just to breathe
sometimes. Back in those days I discovered this list.  It kept me in the
world, and feeling connected, something I very much needed.

One year my MD suggested I take Prozac to help me through another winter.  I
knew then, it was time to leave.  I live near Vancouver now.  I'll take rain
over snow any day!




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