<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi to the group,

I recently found out I was Gluten-intolerate and in my 40's.  Looking back
I can see that I always was....I had Grave's disease in my early 20's.  I'm
adopted and when I found my birthmother and talked with her through an
intermediary a few years ago I found out that I have a sister and 2 aunts
with thyroid disease and arthritis is a family disease.  So I would advise
that if anyone that has CD has a relative who gives a baby up for adoption,
this type of medical information be passed along.  If we had known about
the thyroid disease possibility, I would have been diagnosed early on.  Of
course, the CD probably isn't known about in the family or my birthmother
would have let me know about that when she reported to me the other family
medica lhistory.

Anyway,  I recently moved to Lexington, VA and am looking for information
of support groups and physicians in the area.  Does anyone know how I can
find out?


Patte Wood