<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

At 09:41 AM 4/20/00 -0600, Rebecca Goyan wrote:

>Personally, my mom and I accidentally bought a Celamix product that had
>wheat starch in it (it was in a small town and I don't know how they got
>it in Canada).  I figured since it was labeled for celiacs, it would be
>okay for me.  It made a wonderful pie crust that was very much like a
>regular one.  Unfortunately, about 2 hours later or so, I was deathly
>ill with gluten ingestion symptoms.  Why do I react but a european
>doesn't?  Your guess is as good as mine, but I wouldn't touch that stuff
>again "for love nor money" as we say!

Becky, if I interpret the post from the UK correctly, the poster
recommended a specific brand of wheat starch, not just wheat starch in
general. The brand was Glutino, which has no gluten, not just reduced gluten.

According to a Carol at the Glutino company there is one place in
Canada  only that sells this product. The website is: glutino.com

She didn't say whether it had a "www." in front of it or not. Here is what
she replied to me:

"We have products called Glutafin which range from flours to pasta.
Our flour mixes have wheat starch in them and no gluten.

"Please let me know what advice you require. Our products are available via
a website called glutino.com who are based in Canada."
