Cave persons,

Some wonderful news for me.  I actually get a two week break in August and
She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed is giving me a two week pass to go backpacking.  So
we will take separate vacations together. See what 10 years of marriage
will do? :-)

Off to the Appalachian Trail I'll go.  I'll probably go from Harper's
Ferry, W.Va. to Duncannon, PA and I am afraid that the hunting part will
not be allowed and August being either drought or flood season may limit
the gathering as well.  So I am going to be carrying my vittles.

Thus my request for help.  I am soliciting this group for suggestions on
what to eat on the trail.  I have a dehydrator and a vacuum pack food
sealer.  I'll need 2000-3000 calories per day.  We are going for the
lightest weight and highest nutrition and also food that you can eat
without being hungry an hour later.

Now, before I get 100 responses which say "Pemmican"; please realize that
when your are climbing across the rocks in Pennsylvania and it is 90
degrees, you haven't showered in 4 days and are 2 days from your next
shower, Pemmican can get old - fast.

Rather than clog up the list with suggestions, could you mail me directly?
I will summarize and post back to the list.

I thank you in advance.

James at Penn State