Lynnet Bannion wrote:
Q: Since male pattern baldness is considered to be caused by high
testosterone levels, why do you think he has a low one?
Maybe he should talk to a therapist about the depression?  It can be
Damiana is a good herb to improve libido, if that is part of the problem.
Good luck on finding something to help him.

Justin's reply:
Male pattern baldness is not related to high testosterone levels. It's
related to (1)DHT levels in the scalp, (2)inflammation (eg not getting
enough Omega-3 EFAs), and (3)genetic predisposition.  Of course, to get on
hormone replacement therapy, he would have to take a blood test to determine
if his existing testosterone levels are sub-optimal.

When people begin to age, depression often sits in.  However, quite often,
the depression is a *symptom* of low hormones and/or low thyroid.

Thanks for the tip on Damiana.  I'll look it up on the internet b/c I have
no idea what it is and how it works.

Depression runs in my family.  In my particular case, I seem to have minimal
problems.  But, I plan on trying to figure out what works for my dad so when
I'm his age I can avoid the same problems.

Justin Hasselman
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