On Fri, 7 Apr 2000 16:12:53 CDT Justin Hasselman
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> My father just turned 48 years old and is starting to experience
depression which I believe may be due to his low testosterone levels.
>  He's also going bald so his doc is going to
> give
> him a script for Proscar.  Is this considered an unhealthy drug?
> Thanx for the help,
> Justin Hasselman

Your father is only 8 years younger than I. =o]  I can help with the
balding question... I am a licensed cosmetologist for 20 years, and have
recommended Nioxin to many a client who is starting to have thinning
hair.  It is a shampoo with several different scalp treatments to go
along with it.  It was first designed for cancer patients, and 60% of
them kept their hair during chemo, with the exception of eyebrows, lashes
and other body hair.  They do have a 30 day kit your Dad can purchase at
either a beauty supply house or a salon.  It states it lasts 30 days, but
they really last about 50-60 days.  It probably wont regrow hair, but
with will help maintain what he has left.  In 50% of my mail clients have
had an increase in new hair growth.  Look into it, it may be worth
trying. Also, most prescription hair pills cause impudence or low sexual
desire.  Not helpful if your Dad is already feeling depresses.  I want to
state I am not affiliated with the Nioxin Co, what so ever.

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