On Fri, 7 Apr 2000 16:07:25 CDT Justin Hasselman
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> I have a few questions about fat loss.
> Regarding thyroid, how much T3 is considered an appropriate doseage.
 Is 50mcg per day (25mcg
> in the morning and 25mcg at night) considered to be a high dose or a
dangerously high dose?  What about 25mcg per day (12.5 in the morning and
12.5  at night)?

Justin, when i was on levoxyl, I was taking it at a .75 strength.  I had
started out on a .5.  I dont take it any more though.    As for your
stalking question, I can't answer whether it stops working, but I can
tell you what ephidrine does to the heart.  It can damage the heart
vavles, put the heart into over time, and can cause heart attacks.  Are
you stacking with ma huang?  I am sure you know what you are doing beings
how you were a pro. bodybuilder, keep in mind, when taking thyroid meds,
one should stay away from ephadrine of any kind. heard that from my
cardiologist*  Hope this helps, even though it doesn't answer your

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