On Wed, 19 Apr 2000 16:12:50 -0500, Ray Audette <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Other beans produce a large variety of toxins including cynogens, vicine,
>covicine , isourmil and others far too numerous to mention.

Not too numerous, but listed in a couple of puplications, also on the net.
beyondveg.com has a list.

Which neorotoxins do you mean?

Many people going to vegetarianism fail because following a high-protein
goal. Proteins then have to be deriven from - legumes(soy, beans) or cheese.
(beginner vegs are often not considering nuts and almonds and seeds like
Natural vegs don't need so much protein, like e.g. Atkins
promotes in order to reduce the intake of the destructive carbohydrates.

Because we can have access to proper (natural state) usable carbohydrates
and in this way don't need to convert so much protein to our body's glucose.
Paleovegetarianism is my term for it.

Most other people of course prefer to feed the beans to cattle -
and eat the cattle then. Is it as good as wild game (hawked rabbits)?

Amadeus S.