> Just as another data point, I have a friend whose daughter
> can cow's milk
> cheese, but not goat cheese.  Go figure.

I am fine with goats milk but I can't stand the taste!  I eat Goats Feta
though.  You can get really nice little round goats cheeses in France as
well - I always stock up in Calais when I pop over for wine!

Sheeps milk cheese is also OK for me though. (there are several kinds of
that, including several good Spanish hard cheeses).  Oh, and reindeer
cheese is OK, but only "real" Sami stuff, not the for export variety,
which is cut with milk to make it cheaper (I guess).

Oooh, I miss have a decent cheese shop close by - it was one of the few
advantages in Denmark (hard to get tofu based stuff, but lots of
different non-dairy cheeses!).  We have one in the market here, but
although he does an excellent range of English regional cheese, the
supply of European cheese isn't as wide as on the continent.  If you
find a good cheese merchant though, make sure you ask them to use
*cleaned* implements to cut it - they usually use the same implements to
cut different cheeses, perfectly hygeinic, but of course the last cheese
they cut might well have been a cows milk variety.

I think there is a difference in what the intolerance/allergy is to -
cows milk intolerance obviously doesn't effect other mammilian milk,
certain proteins are and aren't present in different mammilian milk (and
think about it, sheeps milk is as similar to cows milk as it is to human
milk) and it depends which ones are present in which milk whether you
can drink/eat it or not.

