
Chidi Odinkalu, the Africa Legal Officer for the London-based Human Rights
Group, Interights, is submitting a petition/protest note to the
Commonwealth, in relation to the massacre of students in the Gambia.
Consequently, he'll be most grateful if you could e-mail him any relevant
information/observation you may have on the matter.

This is his e-mail: [log in to unmask]

By the way, I am still working on a more comprehensive story and I hope I
can post it as soon as possible. But, believe me, it is a very, very
serious/sad tragedy.

A short while ago, a diplomat in the Gambia told me on the phone, that he
had been reliably informed by a hospital insider (a medical doctor for that
matter) that so far 14 people have died as a result of the shootings and
that several students have in fact "sustained life threatening injuries".

So, Gambia-L, let us take the government figures, in relation to the number
of people killed, anytime they are released, with a pinch of salt!!!

In fact, the Government, I understand from the diplomat, intends to reduce
the figure for the number of people killed.

Meanwhile, I understand that students in Bansang, Basse and Essau are still
on the rampage. Banjul itself is said to be calm, but "tense". Albert Market
is reported to be half empty, with most people staying at home. Roads
leading to the Police station in Banjul are sealed off. Janjangburay police
station and the Gamtel there are in flames.

So let us continue praying.

Essa Thomas, I can confirm to you that Mr Jammeh is still in Cuba, but I
understand that he was consulted before the orders were given to shoot the
students. I am reliably informed that at an Emergency Cabinet meeting
yesterday, Vice Prseident Isatou Njie-Saidy declared that she was instructed
by Yahya Jammeh "to open fire". Anyway, as I said earlier, I'll send
something comprehensive as soon as possible.


>From: Chidi Odinkalu <[log in to unmask]>
>To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
>CC: Ibrahima Kane <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Testing
>Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 13:26:05 +0100
>Dear Ebrima,
>Here is my e-mail address. Any information you can give on the Gambia
>killings please. We need to be able to do a submission to the Commonwealth
>at least.

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