<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

(this is a recipe I posted in the Celiac Disease On-Line Support Group - but
I know that we're not all members of every forum, so I thought I'd post it
here, too!)

Hi all...

I'm not exactly Bette Hagman in the kitchen, but I'm learning. I adapted a
recipe this weekend for my sixteen year old stepdaughter, (who is as yet
undiagnosed celiac and is a strict vegan - absolutely no animal products).

These scones turned out fantastic! They are gluten-free, dairy-free,
egg-free, yeast-free - and fortunately not taste-free!

I used Bette Hagman's "Four Flour Mix" to replace the 2 cups of all-purpose
flour in the original recipe and added xanthan gum. The original recipe was
from a package liner in Kingsmill Egg Replacer.

Here goes:

Tea Scones

prep time: 15 minutes
cooking time: 15 minutes
makes: 8 large or 12 medium scones

2 cups Bette Hagman's Four Flour Mix (*see below)
2 tsp GF baking powder
1/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp xanthan gum
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp Kingsmill Egg Replacer
1/3 cup margarine, (chilled)
1/2 cup plus 3 tbsp Westbrae All-Natural Vanilla Flavoured Rice Beverage
3/4 cup raisins or currants, (optional)

1. Blend all dry ingredients together.

2. Cut margarine into flour mixture until no large lumps remain, (or until
the mixture has the texture of a coarse cornmeal).

3. Make a well in the dry ingredients and add the rice beverage. Mix until
blended. If using raisins or currants, blend them in now. This dough will be
a little stiff.

4. With two spatulas, (you might find it easier to coat them with vegetable
oil so they don't stick), make 2" diameter "piles" on a well-greased cookie
sheet, (or a really good nonstick one). Make sure they're at least two inches
apart, because they spread out while baking, like so much GF stuff tends to

5. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until slightly browned.

6. Eat hot with your favourite tea!


near Hamilton, Ontario CANADA

* Bette Hagman's Four Flour Mix (from "The Gluten-Free Gourmet Bakes Bread")

Garfava Bean Flour 2/3 part
Sorghum Flour 1/3 part
Cornstarch 1 part
Tapioca Flour 1 part

For those challenged by kitchen mathematics, (I'm one of you!), here is the

To make 3 cups Four Flour Mix:

2/3 cup Garfava Bean Flour
1/3 cup Sorghum Flour
1 cup Cornstarch
1 cup Tapioca Flour

I find this mix to be a good substitute for all-purpose flour - with the
addition of one tsp of xanthan gum to help bind the ingredients.

Hope you enjoy!