<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This is my first post to the whole group. I was just diagnosed in Jan of
this year by biopsy.  The lab called my doctor after I had my blood tests
and said they were the highest they had seen to date. So, of course, I
immediately went on the gf diet.  I think I may have inadvertently messed
up and I'm wondering what the symptoms might be and how long they last.

I used the Hazelnut flavored Carnation Creamer in the liquid form for a
week.  I now realize that the only liquid on the list is regular and
lite.  All of the flavored powdered creamers are on the ok list.  This was
totally accidental.  It is such an easy diet to comply with, but not to
shop for or keep track of what is ok and what is forbidden!  Does anyone
know if this is gf or not?  I emailed Nestle, but haven't received a
response yet.

I have been bloated, gassy and had constant bm's (although not diarrhea),
as well as EXTREMELY fatigued.  I can't seem to stay awake even though I am
getting plenty of sleep.  Also I feel like I'm in a daze, legs tingling and
painful, face flushed and have slight headaches.  Have any of you had
similar symptoms when you've ingested gluten?  How long does it last?  Or
should I see if something else is going on?

BTW, my daughter has just tested positive and had her biopsy yesterday.  My
son has all of the symptoms, but won't see a doctor as of yet.  I will be
sending our info to the Maryland research group and hope to be retested to
see how we're doing.

Thanks so much....the information from the list has been so helpful and

              Diane Donald              [log in to unmask]
        {}{}{}         Technology Consultant  (864) 656-1546
    {}{}{}{}{}{}{}      Graduate School
   {}{}{}/"\{}{}{}        Clemson University
    {}{}/o o\{}{}      E-108 Martin Hall
       (  _  )   Clemson, SC  29634-5120
        `\  /`
       /\\V//\      ~*~ He gives strength to the weary & increases
                            the power of the weak.  Isaiah 40:29 ~*~