<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone,

Thanks to those of you who responded to my post, I really appreciate all
the help and concern.  From what everyone has said the fever and muscle
pain are not related to celiacs, but several people suggested other
possible diseases.  I will follow these up with the specialist next

I called my doctor yesterday and she is referring me to an infectious
disease specialist.  I will also talk to my doctor about testing for
celiacs while I am on a gluten inclusive diet, and/or try to find a
doctor who has more knowledge of celiac disease.  I'll write again when
we find out what is causing the fever.

I have been tested twice for diabetes and both tests were negative.  I
also forgot to mention that I've been having pretty severe night sweats
the last couple of weeks.

Thanks again for all of your letters.  I will try to answer your
specific questions and e-mail you directly.

Best regards,