I also note that the problem with the local printer, Canon BJC-1000, is the same
problem i am having wiht my network printer.  Neitehr of them will work from
Word97, or notepad, nor will they print a test page.  Should I think the problem
lies in Windows, Word, or some other program/Operating System?
     I know that:
          The LPT1: (parallel) printer port is working (from testing & hardware
          The printer(s) are connected properly and online,
          The printers are working properly (by themselves and with other PCs,
          Canon has given no help and claims "we can not service you any
further, and contanct someone else"  (I find that strange, but it is true,
but in an e-mai li sent them, their reply said "call for further information",
and I then said: CAN YOU HELP ME OR NOT?

Thanks for any help
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