
I concur with Hamjatta whole-heartedly. You need to rescind your order. I
believe every good muslim on this List has his/her own copy or copies of the
Holy Quran. Those needing religious counselling could find themselves better
teachers than some of the impostors hiding behind these Islamic postings.
Besides, no rational person will convert to Islam solely on the basis of
what is being put up here. I believe religion is a private matter, so people
who go around flaunting their piety have always given me the creeps. It'll
only be a matter of time before such people get un-covered. But,
none-the-less, I support their right to put up any type of religious
material on the G-List. Those who don't care for it (like myself,) should do
what I do: use the DELETE button! Censorship is the WRONG way to go about
it. Let them have their say!


>     I thinking attempting to gag religious postings on the L would be in

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