I could see a lot of anger in this e-mail gear towards denouncing Halifa.
Why can't we calm down folks, on our personal attacks on the net. Every one
has all freedom to express your views. But this would only make sense if we
could give ourselves little bit more time to find out the objective reality
of matters that we wanna talk about.
Problems in the Gambia is never gonna be solved by expressing our anger to
our fellow Gambians. Arrogance is not a mature behavior in any civilized
society. We deserve respect for each other as human beings. If anyone is not
clear about Halifa's objectives for the Gambia, please give your self some
time for a clear investagation.

>From: Ousman Ceesay <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gamdon't you bia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Fatou: Re: Is it not Halifa sallah who is dwelling?
>Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 00:14:22 EST
>Maybe Mr.jeng and many other Gambians will like us to believe that
>Halifa Sallah is just any other Gambian.This  is infact not the case.
>Here is a man that most students of my era idolise for his stance
>on issues affecting our country during the fafa jawara era;who suddenly
>becomes numb during the transition period.
>He gave vague engineering specifics of the mercedes benz in the Koro
>Ceesay case.What do you called that?Sociologist turn engineer huh.
>This is one scenario that really hurt his credibility.Mr.Sallah has an
>insurmountable ego and like his critics pointed out ,not the type to
>throw in the towel and say folks,iam human and not immune to making
>mistakes.Instead he resorted to clintonian methods of explaining what his
>role-if any ' is'  during the period in question.
>With regards to Waa juwara ,mr jeng forget or disregard to mention the
>fact that 'mbarodi' won the niamina constituency by challenging the
>establishment candidate of the then P.P.P. This man is therefore not new
>to standing up for his convictions.
>Halifa has done a great service for our country.But what his critics are
>pointing out is the dubious and in a sense the hypocritical stance
>that he and others in his party took before and after the coup.We 've
>come to see a more diplomatic Halifa not the revolutionary that we
>were accustommed to during the jawara dictatorial period.Is it instincts?
>or is he scared to stand up for what he beleive in all of a sudden?
>well, with all said and done ,its been a great debate.We can all choose
>sides but the truth shall ultimately make us free.
>God bless Gambia
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