The other day, I was walking into a local mall with my 4-yr-old son when I
fell. Some women about my age came to help me up. My son, like a little
gentlemen picked up my cane and held it for me.

I thanked them. There was no one else around. As they began to leave, they
all turned to my son (who stood next to me) and began asking: "Where is your
mom? Why are you here by yourself? Who do you belong to?" I finally broke in
and said simply "Me". They laughed nervously and left.

Incidents like this (where people assume my children aren't mine when in
public, even though they look like me) happen at least once a month. A
friend suggested I say that just because my legs don't work, it doesn't mean
my ovaries don't. I howled! Renee
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