I would like to thank everyone that participated in my
survey for parents of children with cerebral palsy.  I
received over 130 responses, which were from most states
and several countries, including Italy, Canada and
Venezuela.  I hope to use my results to identify areas of
family-centered care in physical therapy that need
improvement, for use in my own professional career and for
other PTs.  The comments that many parents left were very
insightful, and I was touched by stories of both good and
bad experiences with PT care.

I would like to post the results of my study, either in
the form of an e-mail to several of the list serves that I
used to recruit parents, or on a web page.  Hopefully this
will be possible and will be soon.  Again, thank you so
much for your time, help and interest in my research.
Please feel free to e-mail any time with questions
comments, or for any other reason ([log in to unmask]).
                        Jason Mehler, SPT