Hello there.  When I was growing up, my parents were maybe too
supportive of my sexuality.  They always told me I would find someone
(in college, seminary, or what have you), and they refused to let my
hope die.  As I've gotten older, I've become more and more disenchanted
and jaded with my chances of having a significant other in my life.  I
would've prefered to have my parents tell me the truth about societal
norms and how diificult it is to break out of them.  In reality, the
more disabled one is, the more likely one is to be single all of one's

Charlene Everett wrote:
> Hi Renee!
> My grandmother had some strange ideas when I was a preteen she would tell me
> to forget about dating and such because fellows do not want to deal with
> disabilities. After I started dating though she began to tell me that
> fellows cause me physical harm. She still tries to get me to believe that
> but I think she realizes I am not listening anymore but it sure did a nasty
> number on me when I was younger and still affects me a little I think but it
> gets better.
> Take care
> Charlene