>Kirt said:
>>Indeed, if you were conscious of trying to belong to some special group
>with a special belief system in order to bolster your sense of satisfaction
>and worth, it probably would not be as interested in devoting the brunt of
>your time and energy to spreading the word, or evangelizing.
>Why would you want to change someone else to be interested in what you're
>interested in?

Why?????  I'll tell you why!!!

1.  I was not breast fed or born with a strong constitution.  I'm deeply
concerned about the suffering I see my friends, their kids, and many others
going through as a result of their not knowing about human nutritional needs
or how to satisfy them.  I 'm concerned about the next generation and the
de-generation that is so rampant in our times!  I'd like to help  othes
avoid some unnecessary suffering.

Much suffering can be aleviated when we put the right fuel into our skin
bags.  I see it and hear about the benefits in my daily life more often than
I can count (and I'd like to see more of it)!!!

2. I knew as a teenager that there was a better, healthier way to eat than
the way I was eating and wanted to find it!   (The ways most kids eat now is
far worse than the way I ate as child.  They are more deficient and at
younger and younger ages!  This troubles me.)

3.  I love to read, cook and share food with others (and have since I was a
kid) and have been studying the subject of cooking and nutrition since I was
a teenager (that's 20 years now!).

4.  Changing my diet changed my mental, emotional, and physical health
drammatically (even before finding the Paleo diet).  I saw how my food
choices affected me (even in my teens).  Getting off junk food and eating
more fresh and nourishing food helped me, so I knew it could help others.

5. The nourishing food I prepare brings such joy to me, my husband, friends,
and acquaintances (and has for years).  As a result many of them want to
know how to prepare such food which makes them feel so good!!!!  They
want it and I'm happy to share what I know and love.

6. Way back in college I (naively) thought it would be neat to make a living
doing what I enjoy doing (reading, studying, preparing healthy foods,
writing, etc.) and helping others to avoid a lot of the unnecessary
suffering that I and other people I knew went through as a result of
inadequate nutrition.

7. I am a cooking instructor, healthy cooking coach and freelance writer by
trade and have been since I got out of college (regardless of whether I made
a *living* at it).  This beats drudging for dollars, even if its not
particularly lucrative because many people value *convenience* or cheap food
over real nourishment and fail to see the importance ofmaking time to
prepare and eat the foods they and their kids need.

Even when I didn't call what I taught paleo eating, it
still focused on the highly nourishing foods-- fresh vegetables, fruits,
nuts and seeds.... and excluded a long, long list of processed, packaged,
sugared things many people think they'd die (of deprivation) without!

8. It brings me such joy to teach others how to buy, prepare and eat
delicious and nutritious foods.  It make my day when I see a person's
fridge, freezer and pantry restocked with real nourishment or hear that
their kids now eat vegetetables, fruits and meats, get sick less often, have
better attention spans, relief from allergies....that the adults now have
more energy, better digestion, elimination, relief from PMS, sugar cravings,
bingeing, obesity, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, control diabetes
without medication, get off other meds that have a lot of dangerous side
effects, birth healthy babies, feel happier, like how their bodies look and

I hope that many others on this list will in some way offer food prep
classes, lectures, or seminars, host pot lucks, share recipes with others,
or pass on practical tips and healthy food in other ways.  Manypeople are
looking for answers and want to eat healthy food.  It is so rewarding to
share what you know and to watch people's eyes light up as they savor
nourishing food, exclaim how delicious they find it, develop a taste for
it,learn to prepare it, and watch their family's health improve as they cut
out the junk food and fill up on foods closer to nature.

I don't care if you call it Paleo or whole foods nutrition, every body needs
nourishment and the majority I see don't get it and are suffering needlessly
and not getting the relief they desire from meds alone!  I don't need the
Paleo label to do what I do...the principles are the same regardless.  Even
if I just go back to the early 1900s, I can find groups of healthy primitve
groups who ate a similar diet to the Paleo diet (most ate not grains or
dairy, and relied on mostly meats and vegetables and fruits and good fats)
and find evidence that they were vibrant and healthy until they adopted the

People PAY me to show they how to do what I do.  That's also why I do what I
do.  They want to make the kind of food I make or experience better health.
Teaching about proper nutrition makes me happier than many other types of
work I've tried and makes my life more worthwhile, so I focus on it.

That's it in a HUGE nutshell,
